So I felt this should be mentioned. Utd won the Premiership yesterday.Well happy about this. This year was one of the closest races for the title for years. Liverpool played some superb football and pushed Utd (nearly) all the way. I love sport, in particular football and this past season was a very exciting one. It's great when you see your team who have worked/played so hard and see the fruit of their labour. It's amazing to see what Alex Ferguson has done with Utd. He has to be one of the greatest football managers of all time and I'm obviously hoping that we win the Champions League at the end of May. Three Cups in one season is great, but the possibility of Four....Wow.
Today is Sunday and usually a day for church etc. I've been working full time for "the church" for close to 16yrs and I just finished up with a church I've been with for over 12yrs. I was told back in November that my contract wasn't going to be renewed and no reasons were given for this discission. Total shock! Very weird to be in this position. Came home to my wonderful/beautiful/gracious wife to tell her, and after the initial shock she was calm and at peace. Since then we have been on the most incredible journey were we have seen, experienced and been blown away as too what God has done in and around us. We didn't see this coming and we've been humbled as to what has gone on in the last couple of months. God has held on to us in the most obvious of ways since November. I love the church (Gods not mans) and I believe that the church can make a difference no matter where it is once it is submissive to God and not the Fear of Man. These last few months have made me question my love for the church. I've come to the realisation that its not the church that I love but the true head of the church. This thought deserves a different post!
Leaving our old church didn't happen as a result of a desire I had but this came about due to God's grace, provision and magnificence.
I must add before I head that in July I take up a new post in a different church. I/We are so excited by this and really believe that God has amazing things in store for us and our new home.
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