This weekend past has been great. Ru and I still have to remind ourselves that we've only been in Wicklow less than 3months. On Saturday night we'd a Youth Games Night. Went really well and already relationships are forming in a positive way. The teens are a great bunch and I'm excited to see what Gods wanting to do with them.
On Sunday morning Roly (the pastor) was preaching. This month we're doing a "How To " series. Yesterday's title was "How To Heal in Jesus Name". I was looking forward to this one to see how it'd go down and the response it would get. I wasn't disappointed. Now I remember very little of what was said but as to what happened....that I remember. Roly talked and reminded us that we are called to heal and do great things in Jesus name. That being said we need to ACT on FAITH in doing this. Then Roly called for someone who had a sore right shoulder (as that's what God told him to ask for early that morning!) Sure enough a man (who is the spitting image of Capt.Picard from Star Trek!) stepped forward. He told us his name and story of his shoulder, it'd been in ruins for a while and had very little movement. Roly then used Frank as an example as to how we should pray for healing for those around us in Jesus name.
After the explaining and the praying...Frank was healed. That simple...but the mind can be cynical. So, Roly called for anyone who was ill or who needed healing to stand up. Many did (including myself) Then he asked for those that were sitting to get involved and pray has then had just learnt.
Now the thing I loved about this is that they was no awkward silence, shuffling of feet or blank expression on peoples faces. Straight from the word go people moved to those that needed prayer. People prayed, people got healed! After the praying came the testimonies. It's a wonderful thing seeing the church be the church.
That afternoon we were invited to a couples home as they had felt called by God to be baptised. Right by their home is a river. Roly was going to baptise them and about 15 of us were there to witness it. It was a genuinely beautiful time. Seeing a couple obedient to God's call and wanting to share it with His family. There really was a sense of Gods presence. It's a wonderful thing seeing the church be the church.
Once a month Redcross a Sunday evening service called "Going Deeper". Last night was that time. I felt we should do a "Prayer Concert". I (with help) had set up the room to be focused on certain areas (Personal, Redcross, Ireland, World) and to be a place were people could be intimate with Jesus. Again, God and his people connected and it was sweet. God's presence was so tangible you could smell His holiness. It was humbling seeing people just submit themselves to God in prayer. I'm a believer in Jesus and I believe him too! I'm also a believer in the church. The Church that God so desperately wants to see alive and effective for Him and his purposes.
It's a Wonderful thing Seeing the Church be the Church...