On Saturday night Ru and I and Ferg and Jane went to see and experience U2 all over again (Ferg and I were there on the Friday night too!). It's an amazing show and the crowd were loving it. Saturday was great as the four of us being there together was special. Last time Ru had seen U2 with me was "Pop" back in 1997. I must be honest though and say that there was something lacking on the Saturday night in comparsion to Friday night. Don't know what it was.
On the Friday night Ferg and I got into the pit. That experience was fantastic. Being so close to the band and other fans was great. Standing in the stands on Saturday night was also great as we got to experience and see the whole show, lights and all.
In the pit you couldn't take in all the effects, but you were up close with the band. On Saturday you saw all the show-effects and over 80,000 people bouncing and singing away with 4 guys on a stage.
Now in the past I'd stand up for anything U2 but I've toned that down a bit. Not because my love for the band has diminished but I just needed to back down a little. One of the good things about U2 is people can take them on whatever level they want too. Some just want songs, (like the guy who kept singing "we don't need no education" when Bono would talk. He did need education!) others want a "U2 at home" experience, (many people at both gigs where from all over the world) and others want the spirituality in the band.
For me over the last many years of following U2, I see the depth of their lyrics and love identifying with that. On the Friday night I had I very definite worship experience. Not of the Band but of Jesus. At every U2 gig I've been to I've had friends come and say that they now "get it". Friends who have a relationship with Jesus. They get that U2 have a relationship with Jesus and it shows through what they do (not all that they do but alot of what they do). Many of U2's songs are worship songs. Every album has some theme in relation to Jesus, The Kingdom, Love, Life, Death and what we do with such moments.
Being able to sing with passion in the knowledge of where the lyrics have come from is freeing. Like when you hear the story behind some of the old hymns people sing in church. It gives more meaning to the song.
Great Gigs. Friday beats Saturdays setlist hands down, but Saturday was awesome being able to experience U2 live with Ru, Jane and Ferg.
Below is the Setlist From Saturday
No Line On The Horizon
Get On Your Boots
Beautiful Day / Here Comes The Sun (Snippet)
Mysterious Ways
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For / Stand By Me (Snippet)
Angel Of Harlem / Don't Stop Til You Get Enough (Snippet)
In A Little While
Unknown Caller
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights / Rain (Snippet)
Vertigo / Thunderstruck (Snippet)
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Remix) / Come All Ye Faithful (Snippet)
Sunday Bloody Sunday / Rock The Casbah (Snippet)
Pride (In The Name Of Love)
Walk On / You'll Never Walk Alone (Snippet)
Where The Streets Have No Name
Ultraviolet (Light My Way)
With Or Without You
Moment of Surrender